I want to use Shortcut Badge on app icon and also on notification bell icon on action bar.
but Shortcut Badge Component not working.
Best Regards
Ali Hashmi
I want to use Shortcut Badge on app icon and also on notification bell icon on action bar.
but Shortcut Badge Component not working.
Best Regards
Ali Hashmi
The shortcut badge is only for the app icon and NOT for internal methods.
And next time write your title correct
But its not work on app icon ?
Why sould it not work?
And how should I know if it is not working for you if you dont show what you tried?!?
use the deep extenstion
this is deep method. i try it but cant work.
please tell me how to use it.
use the firebase for change the count
Sent me the example if u have free time ?
sorry i try now but its not working in kodular right now its need the update the extenstion
As the component is still in experimental category, there are high chances that it might have some bugs. So, it is recommended that you don’t relay a lot on these (experimental) components, as they can break your applications.
Thanks Nikhil but is there any other extension ?
another no way after i got anything i will be give you