How to view pdf file using secure way?

I am using google Drive and view in webview it load ever time

If I download my file using download components my users can direct get in download folder and uninstall my app

How to secure my pdf file offline and with safety

I think it that solution

  1. Using google Drive and view in Webview and store in cache
    Question : But How to use webview ofline???

  2. upload with encryption and download this file
    When I what to show that file decrypt and view in any pdf viewer

Question : But how to encrypt , decrypt and upload , download file ???

Anymore option suggest me.

. Me and more developers trying to find proper solutions for this issue .

Help me

If you want to show the file in offline mean, users need to download.

If you want to show the file without download, users no need to download. In ggole drive itself setting is there, there by you can hide the print and download option.

Search in extension category. Few days back one Kodular created extension to encrypt any file into image and decrypt but it can be done locally, it means need to download .

So you decide which method will be convenient to you

Second option download with encryption.

Please explain how to settup my blocks

And thnks for helping. :heart_eyes:

Second option will create some problem it seems. Because android version greater than 10 will have different storage path and lower versions will have different storage path. Whatever we attempt we will find problem with higher versions. Anyway let me think and work itn