HyExtension IDE : Offline Java Editor for Android made with Makeroid

What is the name of your app?

HyExtension IDE


Describe your app:

HyExtension IDE is an offline Java Editor for Android that made with Makeroid,
you can Create an Extension without a Computer or Internet and save extension to .java

To create an Extension,

  1. Launch the App

  2. Open the SlideMenu

  3. Tap “Create New Project”
    Now, Fill the Form and Tap "Create"

  4. It should automatically generate the required codes of an Extension for you!

  5. You can add some codes to it and tap “save project (.java)” !

  6. Now, your extension’s java file will be saved on /storage/emulated/0/ !

There is currently no way to package an extension offline with an Android Phone, so you will need to upload/ copy the saved .java files to Makeroid Extension IDE or Computer !

Known Issues :
This app is currently on 1.0 Beta,
We found some issues which can’t be fixed yet,

  1. the generated code doesn’t skip lines
  2. there is a “(” at the start and a “)” at the end of the generated code, you need to remove it by yourself

More Details :

You may also check out this post : https://community.hybro.io/d/13-hyextension-ide-offline-java-editor-for-android !

About Hybro:

Our Website : https://hybro.io

Community :

WhatsApp (+852 6472 3740) : Share on WhatsApp

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Email :
[email protected]

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Telegram : Telegram: Contact @hybroteam

Twitter (@hybroteam):Hybro (@hybroteam) on Twitter


You can’t call an IDE what is jet only a text editor…
There’s no Java syntax checker, or anything else

It’s a simple text editor right now


Yes, now it is still a Text Editor,
but it generate package name, version, icon URL, …
just like this :

But HyExtension IDE is for Android

So, i will try to add

For the next Release

and i said :


I agree.
An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software suite that consolidates basic tools required to write and test software.

So we can’t say IDE for this. This is just a “tool”.

But anyway, you can add break lines support (or something…) and bigger text size.


Updates :

HyExtension IDE 1.1 Updates

Features Added :

  • Code Editor Text Color (With Color Picker)
  • Font Size (0 - 100)

Download Link :
HyExtension_IDE (2).apk (4.7 MB)

HyExtension IDE for Desktop

This Desktop App is made with Makeroid and Converted to Chrome App using ARC Welder

Supported platform :
Mac OS X
Chrome OS

Required Software :
Chrome or Chromium
Zip File Extractor

Features Added :

  • Code Editor Text Color (With Color Picker)
  • Font Size (0 - 100)

Download Link (.zip) : :slightly_smiling_face:
HyExtension_IDE_PC.zip (4.4 MB)

Download Link (.crx) : :slightly_smiling_face:
HyExtension_IDE_PC.crx (4.4 MB)

How to install it ?

  1. Download the ZIP file
  2. Extract it
  3. Go to chrome://extension
  4. Import the extracted Folder
  5. Now go to chrome://apps
  6. Launch HyExtension IDE
  7. Now, choose a Folder to put your Extension !
  8. After selecting the folder, the App should run !
  9. Enjoy ! :slight_smile:

There is a problem with your TextBox Text Changed event.

You can ignore it,
this error happens if you make the Font Size Text Box blank, if you type a valid Number to the textbox, there should not be any problem

Can any one make java to aix converter extension because I also want to create app like this

You have to set up something like a server that will compile and send the extension back. Then manually load it or load the Jar directly using ClassLoader.