I cannot load links that should be opened in a new browser tab with customwebview

It turns out that when I enter the main page of the custom webview it does not allow me to load in links within it that in theory should be opened in another browser tab, I just want it to load them right there or if not in an external one like google chrome.

There are the main blocks that I have.

I’m new to this, so it’s a bit difficult for me. I would really appreciate if someone can help me.

If you want to load links only internally than turn OFF “Use External Browser” in advance properties.

If I don’t get your question properly than just elaborate it.

I live in the same situation. When I click on the external link, there is no activity. The connection does not open. I am using a custom webviewer. I guess there is no external browser feature. Or I could not see. If anyone solves this problem, I would appreciate it if it helps.

What kind of a external link?

without a link to the site. For example, when I click the www.kodular.com link in the site www.example.com, there is no activity. However, I noticed that there is a solution in the codes blocks shared by a member and I tested it and opened a new page and solved this problem. At this time, when I press the back button, it should close the opened page and come back, but 2 pages come back. I’m on Screen 2, I click the link from here, the page opens. Everything is OK. But when I press the back key, it doesn’t come back. When I press it once more, it turns into screen 1.

You will have to implement back press logic yourself.

So is there any way to open external without opening new tabs? I’m new to this and I would appreciate it if you could help.

Yes, disable SupportMultipleWindows property.

thanks i will try :blush:
edit: yes it is, thank you very much my friend :heart_eyes: