I cant download blocks as image

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Describe your issue

I cant download blocks as image
i clicked to it and it freeze some second then nothing apear

Steps to reproduce the issue

im clicking to this and it not working

Expected Behaviour

it should make “download as” dialog apear

Actual Behaviour

its not downloading, even not copying image


Firefox 98.0

Maybe problem is caused because they are too many blocks. Have you tried with less blocks ?

i have tried with less blocks before

Did it work for you ?

i am trying with 23 blocks but still not working
these are errors from console:

Just test it on firefox with 1500+ blocks. Works fine for me. In a few seconds image was saved. Maybe problem is caused by network speed ?

I think you have to remove a cache from firefox

let me try
still not working should i clear cookies

Please try it in chrome may it works in chrome browser

ok let me try

it worked

but why it not working for firefox?

May be you have not update firefox version

its updated

I don’t know why this will not working in firefox but I am most using chrome to overcome this problem solution

looks like its fixed now

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