I can't login and I have to finish my project tomorrow

I’m facing problems with database, I can’t login to the app
Could u help me please
I have to finish it tomorrow

If tag = type then how it can be equal to others.

If the first condition is false, then the conditions in then branch gets checked in the downward order.

Sorry I confused, but even after correcting it, it doesn’t work

Sorry I didn’t understand

Are you sure that data is storing in firebase?

Yeah :confounded:
I don’t know what to do :persevere:
Can I export the code and send it to you please maybe you can find the error

You are requesting data from Firebase using the tag “USER_ID/Type”
After you receive that data you then check if tag = Type. You actually compare if “USER_ID/Type” is the same as “Type”. I think that’s why it always returns False

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Then how can I do it?
I can’t compare if tag= user ID/Type , I asked someone who told me that I can compare if tag=Type (like if Type is the tag)

Yes I ignored that part but @Nikthegreek is correct.
You can not compare user id/type to type.It will return false.
But why are you comparing tag?
If you are using only one firebase component than you can simply remove that block.

No I can’t remove it because when the user signs up he should choose if he is a normal user or a doctor or a supervisor or a pharmacist
Then when he will login the app will identify him and open the home screen depending on his role
I mean if he signed up as a supervisor he will login to the supervisor home

No I can’t remove it because when the user signs up he should choose if he is a normal user or a doctor or a supervisor or a pharmacist
Then when he will login the app will identify him and open the home screen depending on his role
I mean if he signed up as a supervisor he will login to the supervisor home

I think you have not read my above post.
I never asked you to remove user type.
If user type is saved as value then you do not need to compare tag ( main tag I.e. type )

Ok, now I get it
I’ll try to remove it than I’ll tell u what happens
Thank you so much for being patient and helpful

I works now
Thank you everyone :heart::heart::heart::heart:

What you can do it use the Contains Text block.
And also on the then condition you should not use get Tag Block because there you should compare the Value retrieved from Firebase

If your problem is solved then close this topic:grin: