I got runtime error in deephost mysql extension

please share the link

I cannot I am literally stuck

PM me I will send it there maybe I can copy paste

then when will you share

Not in my hands

This is the Guide for anyone

Thank you for the guide, probably @Boban can release it?
But probably one thing is missing: how do you query the database from within a Kodular app?


i also had the same doubt how do we query data in kodular app , to query the data in kodular data a extension must be developed

The WordPress plugin I use has option to create a Query specific API Too

Does the query builder create all types of SQL queries? To create the api, study SQL because real systems have complex queries.

Yes It works

In your guide is missing how to create an example API and how to access it using Kodular including some relevant blocks


The Guide Contains How to generate an API URL. Now you just have to put in the web component and format according your Database Format

instead of putting query of database format in web component ,
it will be better if a mysql extension is created for this ,

beacuse i am not a coder and i dont understand the coding language ,
like me there are many more developers here in kodular platform who dont know coding,
but they make their dreams come true on this kodular platform & extension developers

i am very thankfull to kodular platform that i am using this platform to convert my ideas in to app , without depending on any software developer ,

i am also very thankful to all extension developers , because the kodular platform has some limitations and due to extensions developers we are able to do more things in app development ,

so i hope if any extension developer come forward and develop a extension for mysql extension , with latest php version
@Taifun @_Ahmed @Passos_0213 @Riad_Developer @mahmoud_hooda @hemantadahalofficial @Rogerio_Rios @

Learning SQL is essential for software/application development. So using an extension will not give you SELECT INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE SQL ready. You have to know what you need to know how to use an extension. And there are other factors related to executing SQL commands on the server…

There is no need for an extension, just use the web component


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I did not want to say this but since @Rogerio_Rios & @Taifun put in their opinions,
you too like other people in the community want ready-made stuff and do not like hard work

The ‘hard work’ is understanding SQL… you will have to learn it in both cases


Exactly, for someday or the other, you must overcome that fear of coding languages even I had it & trust me the journey is difficult but the destination is heavenly & gives utmost satisfaction. Sorry for being dramatic :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: but ya it feels good.

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