I have make a game of "Match pairs" . the APK app size is 10MB

i have make a game of “Match pairs” . the APK app size is 10MB. i have use just 1 screen & i use vertical_ arrangement & horizontal_ arrangement . make 4 rounds. its working fine. if i make 4 above round i have getting ERROR ( unfortunately has stopped ) what i do for this ERROR. i want to make 100+ rounds in 1 Screen. can i do this. or kodular not allowed 10MB above size app. please kindly guide me . what i do… <3

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Probably memory issue of your phone, use LogCat

and post it here.


i have use sprat phone just for making apps. memory also available free.
i askied this Q on facebook. many people telling me kodular not allowed 10mb above is it true or other bugs on my made app.??

You can built apps with 20 MB. The team told us in past that they will make it possible to built apps with more as 20 MB in the future, but i dont know when we get that feature.
You can built your apps normally without a Problem.
I built my apk now for a test and my app has 10.5 MB exact.

I have no idea what kind of phone this is

Don’t know what you mean by this

Do what I already suggested, then we will be able help you further.



No, I have a app of 25mb approx

25 MB is too much i believe, change all images with the same images and low reolution. after you built your apk chnage the low resultion omages to high resolution images. this will safe a lot of space.

You can use https://tinypng.com to reduce image size without noticeable impact in quality


The size of the app is not the problem.

I didn’t understand exactly when the error appears. is it after you install the app at your phone? Or is it on Kodular website?

Plus, I think you shouldn’t be using Koded apps category

the size of the image is the problem

Thank you . . .

Use all images around 50kb. Use dynamic image component and reset image source at the beginning of every round.