I have some problems with coding chat app like whats app

Hii Koders,
I want to make a chat app like whatsapp in which, when the user opens the app, then the list of users contact names which use the app would show their. But i am not able to make it.
I have tried that i would show up their user name intead of contact name used in the users mobile . But i got some problem in codes.
Can anyone show that how can i dmake it like whatsapp contact list is showing or can you solve my codes problem ?
If anyone of them is solved then my app will be ready .
Please help me !
And please tell me that how to insert a photo i my post . I don’t know how to do so .

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Use a database to store the user names of the contacts. You can use google sheets, airtable or firebase as databases. Try any one of these. All the best.

You can used this Guide by @Earn_Money_online

And this other guide for the chatview with firebase by @vknow360