[FREE] LeoProfileView - Extension help you to create Circular Image with Icon || Version - 3

Write a short description

LeoProfileView Extension Help you to make a beautiful UI.


1 1 (Top-Left)

2 2 (Top-Right)

3 3 (Bottom-Left)

4 4 (Bottom-Right)

Add a picture of all the blocks

Write instructions to use your extension

Usually, all blocks named according to Use.

blocks (2)

Icon Position

1 -> Top-Left
2 -> Top-Right
3 -> Bottom-Left
4 -> Bottom-Right

Update ( Version - 2)

Added New Block

Add New Icons Position

5 -> Left-Center
6 -> Top-Center
7 -> Right-Center
8 -> Bottom-Center

Include a Download link here; can be direct or a link to your website/host

Extension :- com.leo.LeoProfileView.aix (178.5 KB) (Version 3)

Aia:- circle_image.aia (269.4 KB)
Special Thanks to @OfficialDjJohn for aia and Testing Extension


Nice extension…
One question…
Is there any way to set main image from blocks section?
Will setting an image as background image of horizontal arrangement would work?


yes you can set an image from URL (online image) as well
chrome_nFDfUZs3JW - Copy .
and offline image work as a placeholder

1 Like

Great Extension, It will Help lot of users and me to. :wink:


Great Extension. thanks for this

1 Like

Can this be used with dynamic components to create custom list view like this ??

*NOTE : Yes it’s possible, I checked.

*BTW thank you it’s really an awesome extension, saved a lot of Blocks


How did u achieve this please share your code here so that others can also get help

To whom are you asking?


To u @AI_Developer i m working with dynamic components extension by @yusufcihan but this circle image view extension is not working for me or may be i m using it in a wrong way. So please share some related blocks

Is it urgent? I’ll send you later


Ok thanku m waiting for u

What are you trying to create ,should screenshots of app and blocks… :roll_eyes:


M trying to make a list of user names with round image i used round image block from image editor but it is not best for high resolution images it

Is under initial development working on first page

Hmm… Show me any sample images that you want to achieve !


Just like what u have done above
I wanted to add user names with images

OK :+1: got it


Congratulations on the extension @DeveloperLeo !


Ok if u free then please send me that blocks

hey @DeveloperLeo Thanks for such extension… A little request…
Can you add a property to set icon image dynamically. I mean, loading an icon image would help.
Actually I want to make user batch like level 1 level 2 level 20 level 50… So, it’s a request…

Still waiting for your response