I need Help developing a simple extention

how can i ‘‘convert’’ this ( How to programmatically include the mouse cursor in android tv ~ AndroidBugFix ) to an aix file (extension )

At first you need to ask for a license to use the code. You can’t take some random code from the Internet and use it for yourself. There is something that is called copyright, you know?
So this is the only answer to your question.

Thanks for you answer and indeed i am wear of the copyright scenario. I have also requests to use it for personal use and indeed i got there permition. Also, since it is uploaded and published to the internet anyone has the permittion to use the code since it s for personal use, rather than showing off that you are smart i would really appreciate if you help me to maintain my aix extension. Unless you have solution to my problem with all do respect do not answer, thanks for understanding and i apologies if this caused any inconvenience !


You could always hire an extension developer to help you. I changed topic’s category to #marketplace in case any developer is interested in helping you

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