I need help making a studying/calendar app

Sorry if the explaining is poor. I want to make an app for studying purposes. The user sees the days per week (For example: the screen only shows monday to sunday) and the user can add task for the day and the assigned time in hours for the task. Thank you for any help.

1. Design the User Interface

Add a Layout: Use a Vertical Arrangement to stack elements.
Days of the Week: Use Horizontal Arrangement for each day (Monday to Sunday).
Add Labels for each day. You can use a Button or Card to make them more interactive.
Task Input Section:
Add a Text Box for the task name.
Add a Number Picker or another Text Box to input the hours assigned to the task.
Add a Button labeled “Add Task”.
Display Tasks:
Use a ListView or Label to display tasks for the selected day.

2. Functionality with Blocks

Storing Tasks:
Use TinyDB to store tasks. Create a dictionary to keep track of tasks for each day.
Add Task Logic:
When the user clicks “Add Task”, get the task details from the input fields.
Store the task in TinyDB under the respective day.
Display Tasks:
When a day is selected, retrieve and display the tasks for that day from TinyDB.

3. Handle User Input

On Day Click:
Set a variable to track the selected day.
Update the displayed task list to show tasks for that day.
Add Task Button:
Validate inputs (check if the task name is not empty and hours are valid).
Store the task and refresh the displayed list.