I need help to do an "OBJECTIVES APP"

Hello! :hugs:
I want to create an objectives/goals app. I’m doing an app for a nutricionist. She wants that her pacients could see their objectives for each day and say if they do them (each day of the month)

Also, each pacient has got private information in only one screen (I do it with firebase)

So how can I do it in only one screen and WITH AN EXCEL or something like that? ↓

Her pacients could see their objectives for each day and say if they do them (each day of the month)


Sorry for my English :sweat_smile:

You can use Firebase or MySql as database.

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And this? I want to do it with a checkbox or something LIKE that

I am unable to understand this.
Can you show an example?

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For example, the pacient objectives are this:

  • You have to run 3km
  • Eat 5 fruits today

And next to each objective there is a checkbox :ballot_box_with_check: that show the nutricionist that he complete the objective of the day.
It’s similar to a reminder app but with objectives

Use Firebase for this.
When any task completed add it to database .
And when you want to get it then use colin tree list view or other with image similar to checkbox.

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Have you got any example?

Patient’s side:

Nutricionist’s side:

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Thanks! One more question. I want that each day the patient could complete the same objectives. (All days —> The same objectives)
Thanks for answering!

Then you have to store it datewise.
Like this:

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So thanks!! I’m going to try it! :pray:t3::smiley:

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