I need help with the notification permission

I’m trying to add OneSignal notifications, but for some reason, I’m getting blocked notifications. When I try to enter the app’s settings and manually enable the notification permission, it’s blocked, and I cannot access it. i have icnluded the firebase json and the app id from one signal

i need help can someone pls help me

i am also facing same issue, any solution for this

I have already searched in community but not able to find exact solution, from FCM notification are not coming to Android 13+ mobiles, after adding askpermission block as shown below it shows error while opening app itself that error 908 permission denied. Pls help for the same

Is this about permission android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS?
Add the Notification Style extension and use the AskNotificationPermission method


Does permission dialog appear?

This permission can be asked only once. If denied then you’ll have to redirect user to app settings.

No there is no permission dialog asking even in 1st time opened app

Which android version?

yes im facing the same issue i have android 14 and i also have tried on android 13 ( xiamo and samsung )

See if this works for you.

Use sumit notification permission extension if you are using his fcm extension.