I want to get background Like this

please help me to create BG like tihs Also Where can I get icons(logos )like in app

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1 HA in The top dark background, 20% height
1 HA in bottom light 80% height
On top, inside HA, 2 CardViews.
Left CardView, 20% width, inside it 1 image + 1 label
Right CardView, 80% width , within it 4 labels

5 HA , however The second is HA scroll.
First HA - 1 label
SecondHA scroll - 4 CardViews with Round Corner 20.
Inside each CardView , 1 image + 1 label.
Third HA - 1 label
Fourth HA - 2 CardViews and maybe 1 space between them.
Inside CardView 1 image + 1 label

Fifth HA - 2 CardViews and maybe 1 space between them.
Inside CardView 1 image + 1 label


The background is just a simple background made using arrangements and card views as the buttons.
Use this guide for the icons:

I would suggest To use icons8 and material icons