I want to get values from each tags from specific project bucket

u mean tiny db or web db ?

firebase database

what do you mean authentication via mobile ?

either firebase mobile number authedication

or after successful email pick you can ask user to enter mobile and required details one time

then it would become a 2 step process right

yes… all are one time entry

ok understood but if they forget password will it work with mobile authentication ?

applicable only for email authendication and not for mobile authentication. Be strong with any one method (email/mobile authen)

I need email authentication

if so use this block for forget password


or allow user to enter email if he forget password. and if the entered email matches with databse email then show the password saved in database to user or use any send email extension to send the password to user email

i have the forget password system which send email to reset pass but all issue lies when a person logs in and the app has no info because he signed up in a different device. so i need to get data from firebase and store it in tiny db when he logs in

if so you must save users device info into database try this extension


lemme check :grinning:

Hi. I saw you’re online. I dont know how to contact you thats why i commented here. I just want to ask few question because im developing a mobile app using firebase also