I want to Send Airtable Data onc screen to another screen . Columns name title, subtitle, description

I want to Send Airtable Data onc screen to another screen . Columns name title, subtitle, description. On screen 1 i want to show title in listview and on screen2 i want to show all data of selection data

Use this block to send data from one screen to another:


And on the second screen retrieve value from this block

You can find these in ‘Control’ in the blocks.

And from next time please search the community for solutions before posting. These types of questions are answered several times here.

I want to show Title in screen1 with listview and after picking listview title send all the data of selected title like subtitles or description

From the above said yellow block pass the detaiks which you want to send to another screen either in the name of list or csv format then exoand it on another screen as per your requires

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