If spinner data idukki select then show next spinner option from spreadsheet no working please help me

If spinner data idukki select then show next spinner option from spreadsheet no working please help me

When you got text, selection is not empty? When you did a selection?

Got text spreadsheet

The for each will works is selection is not empty. When you got text , the selection is not empty? You want to verify data after a selection? Or just verify the showen items in spinner

Move also the spinner block out of the for each

Ok i will try

But first of all you have to test if selection is not empty when for each starts :+1:t2:

For this kind of logic better try to implement gviz method of query

Ok ok thanks

Thanks for response

Not working

show us your spreadsheet struture…

when do the web url getting trigger?

Currently success thanks use visible true false system tanks for response