Image bad content checker app

Hello community this is app my new app
this is app is really fantastic cause it can help you to check bad content of the image
and that called “NSFW or SFW” this mean Not Safe For Work or Safe For work
my app name called

image check


 this app is very useful you can use its function to check if the users upload images that have bad content specially sexual content so you can band or avoid bad image content in your app.

You can upload image from your phone or check links that contains (.png, .jpg, .jpeg)
So when you upload image the app return it’s hosting url and send it to server or you can directly put image URL and click on check btn
and instantly the app well give you results
So have fun with this app .

so tell me what do you think of it

And finally
" I really love creating apps with kodular :blue_heart:"


Apk Direct link:

Apk link…

I will publish a video on my YouTube channel explaining how to set this function so thank you all


Nice. Have you ever found a way to check the aproximated age of a person based on a photo?
I would like to stop children from using my app.

reallt i don’t have any idea about this method but i will try to search about any method or API to do this.

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