Image Editor extension always points out a bug!

Please refer

I have almost a similar error,
But not when I try to modify image this happens even if I just put the extension as a component in my app and then after installing it gives the same error.

And for some strange reason it works perfectly while in companion.

Any help is appreciated

I know Mika Don’t work on extensions any more. But if you can resolve the error I would be highly obliged.

are you talking about that extension or about the built-in image editor component?

I’m talking about Mika’s extension.

in this case just use the built in image editor component

I’ll try and tell you the outcome thanks for suggestion.

And also, I am not a lying, i didn’t see the image utils in drwaing and animation section and I am 100% sure about it but later it did show up. Don’t know the reason.

One more thing
Can I achieve this by image utils component?
thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(original_img, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 11, 2)

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