Iam using speed buf not for heading…mybe lag cause use animation image frame per frame i combine with clock time to move animation
Until I can see you app, I can’t help anymore, sorry. I can’t be guessing what you want to do.
Check your pm
I will check your app later, I’m at work right now.
I saw your app.
How large are the pictures?
Are the pictures downloaded and then you move the sprites?
How do you move the sprites? Post the blocks that makes the sprites move.
I already know the cause of lag in the lowest moving frame in the oclock block … I use 20 clock of component clockkursiborder for each moving frame … is there a solution to not lag using a moving frame?
Your problem is what I’ve been telling you all this time: You want to tell every sprite where to move in steps (next x,y they should move to). That’s ok if you have 1 or 2 sprites and the movement is controlled by the user’s actions (drag).
But in your case, you have lots of sprites and by what I saw, your sprites need to move towards a specific point on the screen.
So why don’t you just set the x,y destination or the target sprite and the speed, and let Kodular take care of the movement? Then use the collision block to detect when the sprites arrive to their destination. Having one clock per sprite will (as you can see) create a big delay.
my problem now is not the delay to the point but make a gif animation in the image i have 20 points of purpose that must be filled with gif animation in the image sprite that causes delay or lag on the screen. is there any other solution for gif animation in the mage sprite besides using oclock?
I think your app idea is too demanding for what Kodular can do. Either you have to rethink your idea or find a more suitable platform like Android Studio. Is your app a game?
On line chat
I’ve never seen an online chat with sprites!
Other than using a clock timer event, I don’t know of any other way for animating sprites.
Try using only one clock for all the sprites, every time the timer event is triggered, change the frame of every sprite that needs to be animated. Maybe this will reduce lag.
Is there any other app in the Play Store that does what you want to achieve? If yes, show which one and probably we can find a way to reproduce that effect or movement.
I will pm app on your message