In Playstore my App Crashes are increasing too much

When I restart My Mobile Then on Mobile Screen Shoes The app As Stopped… I Use Onesignal Notification In my app…WhenI Remove Onesignal From My app Then It Work Properly And No Message Show On Mobile Restart…Please Fix This Error In Onesignal Becaus Without OneSignal my app is nothing…

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More information is needed so that you can have someone helping you.


@saeed171abbas the information you provided is not enough to understand that what i actual reason behind these crashes kindly add more information.

Also you may have removed package name… Trying keeping it.

I think you are not closing the screen after opening another screen due to which two or more screens will run in background and results app crashing. If so then put this blocks on your application;
Also check for empty blocks and use ‘procedure’ to run same methods which reduce the blocks and prevents app crashing.

This Error Is Caused By OneSignal…When I Removed The OneSignal From My App Then My App Crashes Are Reduced…But When I Add OneSignal Again Then Crashes increased Again…

i tell Everything About My App crashes on the top…

i Used Only One Screen IN My App

Is OneSignal an extension? If so what are you using the extension for?
Some extensions are not well build. So I can help you find or create extension.

OneSignal is an integrated component of Kodular

Have you searched the community? I think this question has been asked before

My other apps are working great - Because I didn’t update them, but when I updated my app then crashes occured in playstore . in update i did not use anything just update my app…but when i removed onesignal then crashes decreased…