Introducing Validator Extension: Simplify Input Validation in Your Apps! [FREE]

Hey Kodular Community!

I’m excited to introduce my latest extension – the Validator Extension! :rocket:

The Validator Extension simplifies input validation in your Kodular apps, making it easier to ensure that user-provided data meets your application’s requirements. Whether you need to validate URLs, email addresses, passwords, or more, this extension has you covered.


  • Check if a string is a valid URL, email, domain, etc.
  • Extract information from email addresses and URLs.
  • Validate passwords with customizable criteria (length, uppercase, digit, symbol, space).
  • Verify credit card numbers, IP addresses, MAC addresses, and more.
  • Validate Base64 strings, JSON objects, and arrays.
  • General-purpose checks for alphanumeric strings, usernames, file names, and more.

How to Use:

  1. Download the Validator Extension (aix file).
  2. Import it into your Kodular project.
  3. Start using the various blocks for input validation.

List Block:

List Example Input

Example Valid Input For Block

Here are examples of valid inputs for each block:

  1. IsValidURL:

    • Valid: ""
    • Valid: ""
    • Valid: "http://localhost:8080"
  2. IsValidEmail:

  3. IsValidDomain:

    • Valid: ""
    • Valid: ""
    • Valid: ""
  4. GetUsernameFromEmail:

  5. GetDomainFromEmail:

  6. GetDomainExtensionFromEmail:

  7. GetSubdomainFromDomain:

    • Input: ""
    • Result: "subdomain"
  8. GetDomainExtensionFromDomain:

    • Input: ""
    • Result: "com"
  9. GetParamFromURL:

    • URL: ""
    • Param Name: "param2"
    • Result: "value2"
  10. GetPathFromURL:

    • URL: ""
    • Result: "/path/to/resource"
  11. GetHttpOrHttps:

    • URL: ""
    • Result: "https"
  12. IsValidatePassword:

    • Password: "SecureP@ssword123"
    • Min Length: 8
    • Require Uppercase: true
    • Require Digit: true
    • Require Symbol: true
    • Require Space: false
  13. IsValidPhoneNumber:

    • Valid: "1234567890"
    • Valid: "555-123-4567"
  14. IsValidDateFormat:

    • Date: "2022-01-01"
    • Format: "yyyy-MM-dd"
  15. IsValidCreditCard:

    • Valid: "1234567890123456"
    • Valid: "9876543210987654"
  16. IsValidIPv4Address:

    • Valid: ""
    • Valid: ""
  17. IsValidIPv6Address:

    • Valid: "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"
    • Valid: "fe80::1"
  18. IsValidMACAddress:

    • Valid: "00:1A:2B:3C:4D:5E"
    • Valid: "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF"
  19. IsValidBase64:

    • Valid: "SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="
    • Valid: "c3VyZS4uLiBhbmQgdG8gYWxs"
  20. IsValidJSONObject:

    • Valid: "{"name":"John","age":30,"city":"New York"}"
  21. IsValidJSONArray:

    • Valid: "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
  22. IsValidAlphanumeric:

    • Valid: "abc123"
    • Valid: "XYZ789"
  23. IsValidUsername:

    • Valid: "user123"
    • Valid: "john_doe"
  24. IsValidFileName:

    • Valid: "document.txt"
    • Valid: "image.png"
  25. IsValidHexColor:

    • Valid: "#FFA500"
    • Valid: "#00FF00"
  26. IsValidUUID:

    • Valid: "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"
    • Valid: "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174001"
  27. IsValidHTMLTag:

    • Valid: "<div class='content'>Hello World!</div>"
    • Valid: "<p>This is a paragraph</p>"
  28. IsValidCreditCardExpirationDate:

    • Valid: "12/25"
    • Valid: "06/30"
  29. IsValid24HourTime:

    • Valid: "14:30:00"
    • Valid: "23:59:59"
  30. IsValidURLParameter:

    • Valid: "param1=value1"
    • Valid: "key=123"

Download Link:
com.rasitech.validator.aix (11.2 KB)

I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions for improvement. Let’s make our app development process even smoother with the Validator Extension!

Happy coding! :rocket::sparkles: