yes, …
My Earning Has Decreased to 52% Because of Old SDK. I Hope, We will get a good response from kodular team.
Same issue.still waiting
i agreed with you
I updated my apps but facebook ads not showing in my apps .
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There is an answer but you have to read the whole thread…
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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.
I hope the update will public soon.
lol, u guys spam the topic by saying the same thing in a different way
mods pls look no i. i think we shall close the topic
another possibility could be if Kodular would be so kind to give an update about the current situation, when an update of this sdk could be expected, as well as when the AndroidX libraries and new annotations could be provided etc. so everyone then knows what is going on, what are the challenges currently for the team and when to expect a new Kodular update…
it would be great to have this communication here in the community rather than in a Telegram group…
Sharing personal info like phone numbers aren’t allowed here.
Also, ad extensions aren’t allowed and won’t work in kodular:
Edit: the post got deleted
Edit: also their other posts got deleted
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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.
This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.
Is there anyone who can tell me so much about whether updates are expected in December?
You already know that our posts must be only in English!!! So, please, change your post.
No @faizan but kodular it have been more than 1 months I lost my first revenue because ads didn’t show but I have too much requests. Wait for good news which come from kodular
I already readed this
Kodular can you give latest news about SDK we want to know what are you doing ???