Is Facebook Audience Network SDK updated to 6.3 yet?

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we respect Kodular Team efforts.But do not use patient word again.Now its hurt more then old sdk


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not yet … we have to wait :nauseated_face:

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Respect kodular team efforts, but please update the latest Facebook sdk as soon as possible.

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By the time they update it to 6.3, SDK 7 will be out and you will have the same problem again. Why don’t you just use a different ad platform?


Hopefully in the future there will be a separate update specifically for sdk ads !..
so that you don’t wait too long for KoduLar updates… :pray:t3:

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Perhaps, but it seems unlikely. I don’t think Kodular staff are going to have someone dedicated to just updating the Facebook SDK.

I suggest approaching this older sdk version issue more strategically, maybe the Kodular team is already on it. Because even if they are readying the update for the 6.3 SDK update what if the Facebook SDK version updates frequently and going for a 6.5 update, or likewise? So, the developers would have to rework, over and over again for the new update, which seems to be a recurring problem. Both developers and the users have to suffer endlessly.

Shifting to a different ad network is not a solution, and it is not practical most of the time, because the CPM rates are not equal in every ad network. The revenue generated is subjective to each app for the countries and demographics they are targeting along with their app promotion strategies. And they choose Facebook ads because they can earn more from the audience network than the other ad networks. (Now, please don’t try to be funny saying why are you not giving the services without ads)

For me, I got immense support from the Kodular developers in providing solutions for the problems I had when developing my apps, from the start to the end. So I have a strong feeling that they can do a lot better than this. It was promised the update would be given by the start of FEB 2021, and it was rescheduled to FEB end for more trials and fixings, Now it has come to the mid of March where we do not know when will this problem is sorted.

The REAL PROBLEM is, users, do not understand the pain and the hard works done by the Kodular team of maintaining this kind of a huge platform sorting live issues and providing solutions for each of them, meanwhile, Kodular team “pretend to be” neglecting the recurring requests by the users to update the SDK version which makes them more and more eager for the update.


That’s not a solution to switch on other platform and user have right to ask for the update and it’s responsibility of kodular team they provide correct information to the users.

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These ad SDKs are creating trouble. I hope kodular team will do sth about startapp sdk, too. I am developing apps for children and startapp sdk is not part of google family program so I cant place kodular abmob extension on my apps. It means I cant earn money = kodular cant earn money from apps developed for children.

Please guys be an angel and make something about startapp sdk. just put an option in ad extensions section like “this app is for children”. So when we check that options you can put another sdk (which is in google play family program) for your commission. I hope someone hears me from the team.

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It might be best if Kodular got rid of Facebook ads. It takes Kodular a while to update and by the time they do there is a new SDK out.


Yaaa we hope so. We’re hearing these lines for a long time. It could be well pleased answer for himself.

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Kodular Team please response.
How much to wait more.


Aug 2021 is expected Release

is it official?

Facebook will move to bidding from September 30 maybe.