Is it possible to add natives (.so) to my application?

I am developing an extension and I need to add the / lib / folder together with the natives (.so). I am currently using the decompiler to add (it works), but I was wondering if there is any way to package in the extension. I used @UsesNativeLibraries, but did not include the (.so) files in the .aix, until I tried to compile the apk, but I received the following error: ________Attaching native libraries. I decided to look in “/appinventor-sources/appinventor/buildserver/src/com/google/appinventor/buildserver/” where the native files should be, so I found the /files/ directory of the extension directory, then added the folders.

Directory /files/ of the extension:


When importing the extension I’m getting this error:


The extension ended with 14 mb. Trying to reduce the size, I replaced the natives (.so) with smaller ones and the extension changed to 3mb. The application has been successfully compiled. But the / lib / no apk directory was not created.

Apk directory:


How it should look:


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Unfortunately you can’t add native libraries to an extension . You can read this in the Google Docs.

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Can you link the respective doc here?

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Here are two sources for you:

  1. How to add a component for the builder that includes how to work with native libraries:

  2. The google groups discussion about this issue:
    ‏مجموعات Google

It would be really great if MIT adds support for native libraries within extensions some day.
This would offer new horizons.


Thanks for sharing this, @Django_s_Android_App.

BTW @jarlissonlira2, I’ll suggest you to open a new topic addressing this issue in the MIT App Inventor 2 forum.


Thank you all!

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