Is there a free email extension?

I want a free email extension that can view the inbox, outbox, draft, and spam, plus sent emails.

:mailbox: :mailbox: :mailbox:!

To send an email look here.

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Welcome to the community @Jamestheblip!
There isn’t any available which can do all the things you want. For that, you would’ve to use API:

There are extensions available to send an email like:

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to send emails there are several solutions available, also free ones, see an overview here App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: Send Mail | Pura Vida Apps

however receiving emails is more advanced… as far as I know there currently only is one paid extension available for this Mail Client Extension by Andres Daniel to send messages (SMTP) and receive messages (IMAP) (unknown price)

all other features like inbox, outbox, draft, spam folders you have to create yourself…



Well, there is such thing as free lunch. Just make it yourself!

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