Is there any way to use CSS gradient color code as a background color

Is there any way to use CSS gradient color code as a background color, so that i can use it for those components which supports background color option.

i wanted to make a app with gradient color in background, something like the image shown below -



For the moment, we can only choose a color or an image. You have to do the gradients on photoshop and put them in the background. I don’t see any other way right now!


that part i know… but is it possible to to add this option. I request Makeroid to consider this option for future update.

and i request mr to add this option in makeroid if possible.


I googled for 5 seconds and found this. I guess you googled to?

I removed the name of Mika. This is a misuse of a username.


i did search… but didn’t get any free version… i cant afford paid one…

and sorry that i use the Mika username. my intension was not for misuse.

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Also, this may help you, it’s 100% free:!topic/mitappinventortest/ajZL8lvbWF0

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Or Nathan can design this for you :sunglasses:

Thanks for the help…

With that way storage capacity of app will increase with images. I think this metod is not useful

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