Issue with Google Ad Manager Integration in Kodular Account: Blank Payouts and Setup Pages

Dear Kodular Community,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek assistance regarding an issue I am facing with my Kodular account and Google Ad Manager integration.

Recently, one of my apps was successfully approved for monetization on Kodular and is currently live on the Google Play Store. Additionally, I received confirmation in the Multiple Customer Management (MCM) section of Google Ad Manager that Kodular has been approved as a partner.

However, when I navigate to my Kodular account and try to access the Payouts or Google Ad Manager setup sections, I am encountering a perplexing problem. The respective pages appear completely blank, devoid of any text or visual elements. As a result, I am unable to proceed with the necessary configurations or monitor the monetization performance of my app.

I kindly request the assistance of the Kodular staff in investigating and resolving this issue. It seems there may be a technical glitch or misconfiguration preventing the proper display of the relevant information within my Kodular account.

Could you please check the backend settings associated with my account and identify the cause of this problem? I am eager to rectify the situation and ensure the successful integration of Google Ad Manager with my Kodular account, allowing me to access vital features and insights for monetization purposes.

Your prompt attention and support in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to reach out to me for any additional details or information that may assist in troubleshooting this issue effectively.

Thank you for your understanding and commitment to providing a seamless experience for Kodular users. I look forward to a positive resolution and continued success with my app monetization efforts.

Best regards,

Chandra Kumar Yadav.