[JITSI MEET] Video Conference App

why are evaluating javascript before visiting the URL?

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Oh sorry. Let me test it if it works



JITSIMEET.aia (2.2 KB)

can you paste the evaluate script here?

can you paste the document.getElementā€¦ here?

document.getElementsByClassName('deep-linking-mobile__button deep-linking-mobile__button_primary')[2].click();

Thank You!

Thereā€™s Error with the Permissions

Would you like to show what error is exactly coming and what blocks you have tried

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/v4/content/ContextCompat;
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

and the Permissions are not showing Dialogue

I guess this error is coming because list permissions extension doesnā€™t have android x

I guess you need to recast list permissions extension


as @Yashsehgal022 suggested recast the extension.

you can use this version of list permission extension

Is it working on Web View?

that workedā€¦ because i already used it.

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Try this one :- http://meet.jit.si/Hello#config.disableDeepLinking=true

I recommended you not make app using jitsi. Your app soon or later will be suspend. Cause to many similar app use jitsi.
My app getting suspend after 1 year

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Nope Iā€™m not uploading it on Playstore just testing it. If you want to upload a Video Conference Application on Google Play Store then you should Purchase the 8x8 Meet Video Conference. Your Application wonā€™t get suspended because you Purchase it.

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