Just a little sneak peak

I have read really much about “cards” in the past anywhere. :smiley:
Now are exist for it extensions… but I did not see any where the option that we can place all things like we want as “card”.

Well… MAKEROID can do what users really want! :yum:


Amazing, just a question. Did you integrated AAR libraries support from MIT AI’S ucr branch and used official Android support v7 CardView library, or you just added a shadow programatically?

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It is current under development by me.
Current I use drawable ressources and not the official card library.

But there is too another way to do it with a GradientDrawable.
Current I test what will be the best option.

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Oh ok, thanks. Also, I recommend not doing that. Just use Android Support v4 library instead, which you already have in your sources and then use ViewCompat.setElevation(view, elevation).
Thats it! Best regards, Ben.
P.S: Elevation value needs to be a float