Just Curious , Is Kodular Companion Made with Kodular Creator?

Just wanna know , cause i tried Kodular Companion in in different device, the screen content is always matching in size and layout to the device event if use tablet.

Is it because the application does not contain Bitmap pixels?
so that it always seems to match the device running it.

I like to do the same way to make app in kodular creator, but unfortunately my app responsive result not satisfied for me , I have search and read forum include suggestion from Peter I have Tried.

What is my main problem is I use Image for screen Background in my app instead using color, this make always unmatched in different device.


I don’t really know if the companion is made with the creator but it could be. The overall design of the companion looks like a Kodular app, doesn’t it?

Yup, that is why i’m curious :grin:

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I see, that is way look so professional, thanks for information.
It is long long way to do the same.