Kemp - Social network for communication by images

What is the name of your app?

Kemp - Social network for communication by images

At kemp we look for a way to adapt the spontaneous in the form of images for the interaction of people.

Create or join a group and be part of the content! Kemp allows you to easily and securely create or join groups through its unique authentication method. Once you are part you can interact in multiple ways in the groups, from reactions, likes to comments.

Fluency methods: One of the things that characterizes kemp is its method of fluency in the content, since after each user updates the content (images or live comments) the previous content is permanently deleted. That is why the application has a method to export the content (Screenshots).

Register and access in an easy and intuitive way.
(Profile editing system, email / password recovery and email verification are not available in beta version. Will be added soon in official version)

Other features:

  • Reactions and Likes in the content.
  • Instant comments.
  • Group administrators panel (Delete user, Highlight administrator, Delegate content only to administrators)
  • Intuitive login / registration.
  • Screenshot of the content for a complete description.
  • Notification system (not in beta)
  • Soon more …


App Store/Download link:

What method is this?

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It consists of a method of registration and access to the groups from the same text fields. Since before accessing or registering a group, it verifies in the database whether or not the name of the group exists.

So it’s pretty much the same as any other authentication method?

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no, clearly it must exist in some application, but it is very rare for see. Try to read the message again, this is how the operation works.

But This App cannont Be as Secure as Whatsapp or signal But Has Good security On the Appinventor distros (kodular)

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And database for firebase :smirk: :sweat_smile:

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