KIO4_Base64 for API 30 and above

I am trying to use the KIO4_Base64 extension for android 12

my file “sample.png” is located in the Download folder what will be the path to input at which block, I have tried all the options but failed and also used the latest version as per the below site

But in spite of the direction, I couldn’t discover the process. It is to be noted that I have succeeded in android 10 now I am trying to find the way for Android 12

Is there anybody have any idea about it?

Thank you.

Please provide a screenshot of your relevant blocks including Do it results
@juananton1991 might have a tip for you…


blocks (2)
blocks (3)

These are the blocks I use for my work

You might want to copy your file to ASD and try from there …


That means it can not be used for other thn ASD? For Android 11 and higher?

As far as I understand, for method FileToStringASD the file must be in ASD… I might be wrong, the author @juananton1991 might want to explain…

You always can copy a file to ASD… where is the problem?


Hi everyone,

Maybe @juananton1991 can help with his extension.

The “ASD” methods automatically select “/storage/emulated/0/Android/” path. But when there are multiple users, the path can change, like “/storage/emulated/10/Android/”.

Is there a possibility to deal with this “issue” ?


The extension works perfectly for me until I try to compile to apk. How can I fix that?

what exactly happens while compiling? Do you like to elaborate?

Must have been something else, so sorry :sweat_smile:. Working fine today. I did extensive testing previously.