My application is not approved via kodular. Becuase my application is in play store.
Please check this screenshot and tell me why shown it?
Here is my app playstore link:
My application is not approved via kodular. Becuase my application is in play store.
Please check this screenshot and tell me why shown it?
Here is my app playstore link:
Have you installed your app via Playstore or from the .apk file?
If you’ve downloaded the APK and installed it manually, then you’ll have to get your app approved before it can show ads.
Approval is not required only if the app is installed directly from the Play Store.
There are several topics here which address the same issue. It would be greatly appreciated if you could take a look at the discussion here on the Community before you create a topic.
Install from playstore.
But i have a question, if some one share apk file which is install from playstore.But shared apk show this type of warning.why kodular give this notify? This is bad effect for application.
Google has their own internal checks and control measures to ensure the quality of apps on the Play Store.
An app, if installed as an APK, is not validated by Google. Instead, Kodular verifies your app by means of the approval request form.
If kodular remove this warning without delivery ad. I think this is good for app developer.
I think i need to approve it via kodular if app is in playstore. Both action is required.
So how to ignore warning for my app users if they share apk file?
I mean i need to request kodular to approve ad delivery if users share apk file.
Becuase my apps already in playstore.
Thanks for helping
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