Kodular can't compile this project

Ayuda no puedo generar mi proyecto en formato (.APK) y tampoco (.ABB)

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Translation added by Mod

Help I can’t generate my project in (.APK) format and neither (.ABB)

attached img


No tengo ningun error en los bloques


welcome to community.Community official language is english so better translate to english and repost. I hope your error due to base row extension. Make sure you are using latest extension

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Download v4.1

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Hello, thank you very much for the answer, I updated BaseRow but I still have the error

sorry for my English



the blocks


Then wait let the developer (@oseamiya ) fix the issue.

By the way what is your android version? Have you filled base row details and all in designer part?

If the application in companion is perfect

When I want to pass it to (.APK) or (.AAB) I get an error “I think everything is Completed and correct” I don’t understand why it happens



in the base row are all the boxes completed

I rechecked and the application is built successfully. Make sure you are using the latest (fixed) version of the extension.

Latest Version


Can you please send me the aia ? Click on my profile and message me with the aia.

yes look MD

Fixed in DM.

The project was actually broken because the developer have used baserow extension by me along with sumit’s baserow extension. Both extension’s name are same so using both extension at same time will broke the project. I will add an alternative extension soon to my community documentation for user who needs to use both extension.

I used zArchiver application and deleted the sumit’s extension aia>>assets>>external_comps>>com.sumit1334.baserow from the aia to fix the error.

Oh okay, thanks for your time, sorry for that misunderstanding.

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