Baserow - Open source no-code database

Programmatically, GetColumn method gets all rows of size limit like GetAllRows method, then filter to give you a particular column.

Honestly, I always use and suggest everyone to use GetAllRows method than GetColumn as you can get all the data in a table, you don’t have to call another time for another column.

Also, an advantage of GetAllRows method over GetColumn method is you can get size more than 200 within a single block.

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i agree with you but Baserow Extension does not have Query Block to filter data like mysql

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Honestly, I 've never used MySql. Are they these ?

Airtable Support 1200 Rows in Free Plan
Base Row Supports 5000 Rows in Free Plan

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API request Block Demand if Possible

After creating the filter type you can create a filter by making the following API request. Note that you must already have a grid view that contains some fields.

POST /api/database/views/{view_id}/filters/
Content-Type: application/json

  "field": {field_id},
  "type": "equal_to",
  "value": "Example"


curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i{view_id}/filters/ --data '{
  "field": {field_id},
  "type": "equal_to",
  "value": "Example"

Now that the filter has been created you can refresh your grid view by calling the list_database_table_grid_view_rows endpoint . It will now only contain the rows that apply to the filter.

GET /api/database/views/grid/{view_id}/
Content-Type: application/json


curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i{view_id}/'

Version 4.1

Overview :

In this version, I’ve changed the internal working of methods GetAllRows & GetColumn. In version 3, these methods used to wait for an error(internally) when fetching all available data of the table. Now, it doesn’t wait for any error. It will calculate counts and is able to fetch size of data user needs, which make it one response faster than of V3.

Six new methods are added in this version for getting filtered, ordered, and/or searched data.

Blocks :

1. Filter

blocks (2)

This method help to filter table data. fieldIds , filters and values can accept both list or string which means you can provide single as well as multiple filters. After this method, you should call GetAllRows or GetColumn method to get filtered values in GotAllRows or GotColumn events respectively. Below, it is a table of different filters and example value. (Copied from Baserow Api Documentation)

Filter Example value Full example
equal string field is ‘string’
not_equal string field is not ‘string’
date_equal 2020-01-01 field is date ‘2020-01-01’
date_not_equal 2020-01-01 field is not date ‘2020-01-01’
date_equals_today field is today
date_equals_month field in this month
date_equals_year field in this year
date_equals_day_of_month 1 field day of month is ‘1’
date_before 2020-01-01 field is before date ‘2020-01-01’
date_after 2020-01-01 field is after date ‘2020-01-01’
contains contains field contains ‘string’
filename_contains string field filename contains ‘string’
has_file_type image | document field has file type ‘image | document’
contains_not string field contains not ‘string’
length_is_lower_than 5 field length is lower than ‘5’
higher_than 100 field higher than ‘100’
lower_than 100 field lower than ‘100’
single_select_equal 1 field is ‘1’
single_select_not_equal 1 field is not ‘1’
boolean true field is ‘true’
link_row_has 1 field has ‘1’
link_row_has_not 1 field has not ‘1’
multiple_select_has 1 field has ‘1’
multiple_select_has_not 1 field has not ‘1’
empty field is empty
not_empty field is not empty

2. FilterType

blocks (4)

FilterType can either be OR or AND . FilterType can be used when you are using multiple filters.

  • AND : Indicates that the rows must match all the provided filters.
  • OR : Indicates that the rows only have to match one of the filters.

3. Search

blocks (3)

This method helps to search particular text from table. After this method, you should call GetAllRows or GetColumn method to get searched values in GotAllRows or GotColumn events respectively.

4. OrderAscendingTo

blocks (5)

This block helps to get data in ascending order of a particular column. After this method, you should call GetAllRows or GetColumn method to get ordered values in GotAllRows or GotColumn events respectively.

5. OrderDescendingTo

blocks (7)

This block helps to get data in descending order of a particular column. After this method, you should call GetAllRows or GetColumn method to get ordered values in GotAllRows or GotColumn events respectively.

6. AutoReset

blocks (8)

This block accepts boolean, and true as default. When true, if you have used some filter in GetAllRows or GetColumn of Baserow1 component then again you are using these method for second time, then it will clear the filter and you again have to add a filter for next GetAllRows or GetColumn method.


Download Version 4.1

Download Latest Version

All Releases

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Please add create column and create table methods

I’m facing build error while exporting apk after using this extension. Kindly help

Kodular is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Creating fragment xml
________Creating listview xml in res/layout/…
________Creating listview xml in res/layout-v21/…
________Creating xml in res/drawable/…
________Creating splash png in res/drawable/…
________Creating colors xml
________Creating styles xml
________Creating drawables xml v21
________Checking for firebase
________Creating provider_path xml
________Creating network_security_config xml
________Generating adaptive icon file
________Generating round adaptive icon file
________Generating adaptive icon background file
________Generating manifest file
________Attaching native libraries
________Attaching Android Archive (AAR) libraries
________Attaching component assets
________Invoking AAPT
AAPT time: 0.903 seconds
________Compiling source files
(compiling io/kodular/ikhalidajavid/web/Screen1.yail to io.kodular.ikhalidajavid.web.Screen1)
(compiling /tmp/runtime5732496264698149341.scm to
Kawa compile time: 1.187 seconds
________Invoking DX
DX time: 3.322 seconds
________Invoking ApkBuilder Failed to add /tmp/1648799061313_0.27818094797474535-0/youngandroidproject/…/build/tmp/classes2.dex
YAIL compiler - ApkBuilder failed.

Interesting… I had only checked the new version in the companion.
I’ll fix the error soon till you can use version 3 of the extension.

Download V3.2

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Thanks for your response :slightly_smiling_face:, I will use that one

Download Link not working

Thanks, But V4 have more functions. I hope you will fix it soon.

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The error has been fixed. Previously, AAPT or build failed error was showing when compiling the app. You can download it from anywhere where version 4.1 is mentioned. Thank you @vknow360 for helping me fix the error.

If you need to use sumit’s baserow extension along with this extension then you should use this extension instead.
Download BaserowOseamiya extension

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can show block upload file?

How to get more than one column using this extension?

I noticed a problem related with get column block

Version 3.2

Same blocks Version 4.1, got only first column


I am getting the same problem that’s why I asked

That’s why I tested it :slight_smile: Let’s wait for the developer’s response