Kodular commission clarifications

Hey:upside_down_face: I have some doubts about Kodular commission. I’m developing an app with AdMob Interstitial, AdMob Rewarded Video, tab layout and custom package name, so I have calculated Kodular commission with its app and it is 18% (11% AdMob Interstitial + 3% tab layout + 4% custom package name)… My questions are: tab layout commission and custom package name commission are subtracted from the total app income, so Interstitial + Rewarded Video, or only Interstitial income, since AdMob Rewarded Video commission is 0%? My other question is: if I decide to remove AdMob Interstitial from my app, the tab layout commission and custom package name commission are now subtracted from the AdMob Rewarded Video income or they are anymore calculated? Then: when I will see my earning on AdMob site, I have to consider the Kodular commission and subtract it or it is already calculated and the earning displayed are my own? And finally: which parameters are considered to approve my app monetization?

I am note sure about the rest but the money you see in your Admob account is 100% your money and the commission is already taken.

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Kodular didn’t take any money from user as commission, the commission is taken by displaying some ads on users applications by Kodular so all the earning shown in Admob is totally belongs to user only.

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