Kodular Fenix 1.5.6 Bug Tracker

Button image stays on the screen even I make its visibilty false. I mean its space disappear but image stays in the background.


test1.aia (25.3 KB)

This bug has been on Kodular for years and I doubt it will ever get fixed…


… as well as some others … :woman_shrugging: :wink:


I remembered when I suffered with this bug years ago. You can find a workaround in the link sent by Boban.

Please Fix it fast. I’m eagerly waiting for this.

Hello all,

prefer native option in custom chrome tabs is not working as expected. When we uncheck the prefer native option, then it should open the url in browser instead of the native app installed in the mobile.

I checked several times, even after the new update but it is just not working.

Am I alone in the island or there are others also with the same issue?

Why is anyone not bringing this out or adressing it?

Thanks and warm regards.

You can fix it yourself (in a few seconds), as I have shown several times.

(It’s harmless and has no downsides as WRITE is ignored on Android 11+. Same issue is on AI2 that I’ve pointed out dozens of times over the last few months and also timely informed the Kodular team.)

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Do you have any proof that it has something to do with Fenix 1.5.5

HI Kodular Please Fix list view image titile subtitile when click the button show select list view argument not accepted but previous time block was working…Please check …list view index not working

I haven’t logged in for a while, but now I had to make changes to my project and it says:
“The blocks area did not load properly. Changes to the blocks for screen 6329451644190720_Screen1 will not be saved.”

In the blocks, I see only a few from one extension that I use. I updated the extension but nothing. I deleted the blocks but again nothing. If there is an admin, he can look at the last project I created “…bugfix”. Please help.

Do you use file component in your project ?

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Weekend is ending. When will you update?

The ERROR 201 and 202, will be solved in the next Update?


Anyone tested if everything is ok after the last update?
I couldn’t update the companion yet so I couldn’t teste

The test_mode correction was made in admanager in the update, but no image appears for testing and there is a hole? Furthermore, if the Load_Banner method is added, the message below appears.

Are you running the latest version of the Companion?

Could you try again after placing this block before loading the ad?