Kodular Fenix 1.5.6 Bug Tracker

if error 202, I know it is a permissions issue.

Do you observe that on Companion app as well?

No Not Well

Yes, both Kodular and MIT Companion behaves the same way, it even overrides phones portrait settings.


It could be fixed by adding android:screenOrientation tag in manifest, (you could use apk editor) but still fixing from Kodular Side would be best

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Doesn’t work

Where did u actually add it? you needed to add within activity element

            android:exported="false" />

(using it finely in android studio)

ref : | Android Developers

Not my first rodeo manipulating manifest file among other things


Seems like kodular/ai2 have different configuration for orientations

They change orientations on app open, rather than putting screenOrientation attribute in manifest

ref :

appinventor-sources/Form.java at master ¡ mit-cml/appinventor-sources (github.com)



Not Working

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@bodymindpower hello when downloading files to downloads folder no permission needed?? Iam getting error 908

Please stop spamming the forum with the same post over and over. This is the fourth topic topic you have spammed now within 15 minutes.

Use this extension…! I’m using this extension and it’s work in my project and Fix Auto Rotate Problem…!

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My bad, if I am reposting the issue I am encountering

As per ‘Save file’ option in file component for a compiled APK, if ‘/’ is used as a prefix, it should write to ‘/sdcard/’. It was working fine earlier, now it writes to application private files directory.

What am doing wrong. If not, isnt this a bug?

EDIT: Found the answer myself, Set the scope to ‘Shared’, then it will write to the sdcard
Dont think I saw this settings in earlier releases.

(probably others knew this already :slight_smile: )



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Wow downnload component issue fixed by kodular…

when this bug fix update comes?:heart_eyes:

Hey Kodular Team,

I bought your premium plan and it’s awesome. but i have a problem. I have used admob extension file.Whenever I run the app in Kodular Companion everything is working fine no error is coming. But to build the app, run that app in the phone, then the error show is coming.I have attached the screenshot of that error please help me. If my problem is not solved then please refund my money i don’t want your premium plan.

There are no refunds available. You were made aware of this before paying.

Kodular is fixing bugs you can track the bugs and the status here…

In your issue i don’t know is this a bug…

Wait may be somebody will help you​:raised_hands:

What components did you use? That meta-data tag is added when any of the ad components or firebase or google play games or pollfish or onesignal components is added.

you forgot to mention which extension you are using… any link?
the missing meta data tag seems to be an issue of that extension…
