Kodular Fenix New Update Crash My App

I’m gonna release the AndroidX version of Phase soon. But if you don’t want to wait till then, you can use Recast.


Thank You All For Help me
Shot 0045
This Block Crash My App

Is there anyway to detect extensions which don’t use android x library?

Not that I know of

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yes Phase need new version

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I can’t detect which of extensions i used need update so i am using Recast to update all extension i used once, Thank you @Shreyash I suggest to recast all extension as bach who encountered this problem with a lot of extension

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Me also after the update my application crash at the beginning

the error from one of the extension i used in my application i ask the developer to update it as recast method not work but at least you can know which extension need to update

Recast is now working. I did it for both Phase and Pager extensions. My projects are now working as they were before the Kodular Fenix update.


Many app get crash after new update

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My App Is Crash When i use New Version Kodular Plz Help Me … What Can I do …

welcome to the community @My_Ballia_Store

please read this

Mod: I removed your text. Only English is allowed on the community.

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Can you post the apk to check which extension is leading to the crash ?

Why my app show black screen or could not give any response. This case is occurred After kodular fenix update

is it compatible with kodular fenix version I mean to say that does it contains AndroidX libraries

Yup , it does support Android x

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Thanx for your reply but will you help me
i am having a sets of extensions can you tell me which extension needed recast
extension list
and if any of these needed recast then can you please provide me link from where i can download the new version because i dont know how to recast aix files

do one thing export the aia and recast it all your problems will be solved

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ok but how to do that can you please guide me i have found many topics regarding recasting but cant found even one helpful