Kodular firebase tag without value

Hi, first time here.

I guess the answer is no, but, i want to create a firebase structure like this.


I have try to use the append or store value block, without the value component, to create the tags “table” and “row_id”, but is not the way.

¿There is some way to do something similar from kodular?

Hi @David_Lafuente Welcome to Kodular Community
Yes you can use this Store Value but if you want to set the value as empty then set value in the block to empty string

Thanks for your answer.

Surely I am not expressing myself well. Searching the forum I found that when we introduce the tag we can include the character / to indicate the top level or folders within the database.

In the specific case it would be “table / row_id / tag1”

@David_Lafuente do you wanted to do it like this

I have just blured all the phone numbers

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