Big mistake , it took me about 5 min to load it
Big mistake , it took me about 5 min to load it
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it would take full year to load
anyone give me solution
Yes, more or less
If nothing else works, restart your computer
bro ok
why he did not mention that website was not loading ,my website is nt loading
finally loaded and i deleted project
He did mention that it takes a long time to load
He said "project"
Its mean that in kodular we can make a small app only. Kodular is not built for making professional or medium app. Because its is not able to hold the big projects
So, please do not waste your so-called valuable time here…
Do you really call your app as professional made
I have just started, but kodular is not able to hold big project then how will i make it professional.
Ok tell me one professional app made in kodular and still running good in play store.
A complete movie application (function to save favorites, continue playback, profile system, custom internal player) is an example?
What about first learning before complaining? Follow the
DRY principle… Don’t repeat yourself
You didn’t send any screenshots or described your app so it is hard to help you, but the few informations you gave is engough to see that your app won’t work well at most of the users’s phones.
For example, why on earth would you need 180 vertical arrangements at a single screen?
You probably could use 10% of it just changing their properties according to your needs, and / or use others components instead of vertical arrangements.
And you are right, Kodular is not the best builder in the world. If you are not happy here, go to Android Studio. But if the app is taking too much to load in kodular, there it won’t be any better. And even if it loads very fast, it won’t change the fact that the app will work bad at the user’s phone.
Detail: It will take, being optimistic, 10x more time for you to learn how to create a nice app on Android Studio than using Kodular / App inventor
False. Having thousands of buttons in your app doesn’t mean it’s a professional app. In fact that means the opposite.
Here you have 3. There’s more for sure but these 3 are a good example (and they don’t need thousands of buttons )