🚀 Kodular Monetization Approval Issue (Stuck for 2 Years) 🚀

:rocket: Kodular Monetization Approval Issue (Stuck for 2 Years) :rocket:

Hello Kodular Team & Community,

I have been using Kodular for a long time, and I applied for monetization approval for my app (App Name: Love Calculate Test , Package Name: com.wajidalitv.Lovecalculatetest

) more than 2 years ago. However, my app is still stuck in “Under Review” status, and I haven’t received any updates.

Details of My Issue:

:white_check_mark: My app has been in “Under Review” status for over 2 years.
:white_check_mark: I have purchased Kodular Pro twice, but my app was still not reviewed or approved.
:white_check_mark: I am trying to use Google Ads Manager, but I cannot create Ad Units because my app is not approved.
:white_check_mark: I have not received any rejection email or any response from Kodular.

What I Have Already Tried:

:heavy_check_mark: I waited for approval, but it’s been more than 2 years.
:heavy_check_mark: I purchased Kodular Pro twice, but nothing changed.
:heavy_check_mark: I searched the community but didn’t find a solution.

Request to Kodular Team:

:small_blue_diamond: Please check my app’s review status and process it manually.
:small_blue_diamond: If my app was rejected, kindly tell me the reason so I can fix it.
:small_blue_diamond: If this is a bug or issue, please help me resolve it.

I appreciate your help and look forward to your response. Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,
[Wajid Ali]

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I am also facing this issue and i am posting it in community from 2 years but not getting any response from @Kodular

ok. which platfoem best for application