Hi… i want to ask a question related to kodular creator new user registration. when i tried to create new account , i was unable to find verify link in my email send by kodular. is there any problem? or what is process of new user registration. kodulars HELP. KODULAR COMMUNITY HELP.
Maybe it’s in your spam folder?
This seems to be a bug, because recently there were also some topics related to this.
I got email . but verification code or link is not there in the email. it shows only an image describing the new features of kodular.
They are already aware of your question. You dont have to make topics anymore about this.
Just be patient. Developers and everybody else are doing this in their free time.
how i will know that problem got solved?
Just wait for a response from the developers.
Sorry, I just located the problem
I inputed the wrong message on it
It will be fixed for next version
kodular registration and login needs to be improved . i was unable to login in kodular community ,website saying recaptcha failed . however there was no captcha image on community login page . i got this problem for last 2 hours . and after so many attempts got logged in . and waiting to solve creator registration issue as i want to register as creator and start building my apps. @Diego
Check at the bottom right corner
The Recaptcha we use is v3, which no longer is required by the user to check anything
We get a score from 0 to 1, and if it’s below 0.5 we block the logging attempt as a security measure
Are you using a VPN, or do you have something strange installed on your device or network?
No I don’t use any VPN and I don’t have anything strange on my laptop . I have Android studio , AutoCAD , Google chrome and McAfee installed on my system . No another software is installed by me on my laptop. Remaining all are installed by HP.
Okey, I “fixed” it
Now I’ve added a feature which detects when ReCaptcha V3 fails
In case it fails, ReCaptcha V2 will load like this:
Hopefully this won’t happen again
yes now it works perfectly … great work … thank you
Thanks, the Creator fix will be released on 1.2.1
when 1.2.1 is going to be released? waiting to build my app.
Probably next week, as we have to fix this ASAP
This is not related with current topic.