Kodular screens limits, and size of app

Hi friends! I am creating my first app on kodular based in a quiz app for college students. I was looking topics on forum about the limits of kodular, like the number of screens and the maximum APK size. My app already has ten screens and I don’t receive the warning message when I add another screen in project. I’m searching for the answers here in community, but I see this answers in 2018. Today in 2020, how many screens I can use? And have kodular limits in 2020?
Thank you all!

Welcome @Fernando_Henrique_Oliveir
There is a topic related limits and sizes of app. You must search before posting. And also I change the catagery.

A similar topic related to this and also the answer to your questions.

The maximum size for an apk is 32mb and I would suggest using not more than 2 screens, instead use virtual screen(arrangements) but since you already have added ten screens and you are not OK to reduce it fine… But increase screens, it may crash your app

my app is 30mb but when I try to export , it’s stuck 100%. Do you know why?

how long do you have to wait?

and if it’s not exporting how do you know the apk size? :thinking:

more than 10 munite

I export the .aia file

so what is the size of aia

it was 30mb , I delete something now and decrase it to 27mb.

still its big, I am not sure but aia not should not be greater than 25 mb

okay thanks , I will try to decrase it more.

Really 30 mb for aia. You should reduce the size of assets or download them in first Start.


hmm, because my apk file size is 22.8 mb and aia file is 17.8 mb so if we take an esitmate your aia file is 27mb and so it would be around maybe 32 mb so that’s why it is not exporting

You obviously haven’t read that at all: