Kodular server is busy for whole day

any good new from kodular staff ???

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Does this have anything to do with the server as well? Or is it a problem in the code?

did u using any extension on your project?

Only This

Well… I think one of them is the problem

Please stop spreading false information

up to now noone of Kodular said anything concerning fixing bugs, there was just nothing…


I tried a very simple project, a button, a webviewer, without extension and it still doesn’t work, blocked either at 40% or the server is not responding

Since you are an official from Kodular, I have an important update for the application that I must upload to Google Play before 10/27/2023, and it is important because it is related to stopping the time. The time has changed in my country. What to do now ? Is it reasonable for us to rely on this platform and pay money so that I can continue trying to create an AAB file for 4 days?

Can you help me understand the problem from the codes attached in the image? Is it a server problem? Or something else? I create the apk file fine and it works on the phone fine

I’m not
I think, this is one of the problems


In Discord, there’s also a community, somewhat quiet, but there, one of the moderators mentioned that they are aware of the issue with the compilation server and, according to them, they are already working to provide a solution.

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mean while , our solution is sit back tight and wait for the solution