I love using Kodular and I know story of Kodular how from a free time project to Makeroid it evolved to Kodular and keep evolving since then but from a long time there are few question in my mind - that how actually it all started I mean how @Kodular staff members meet and how do they work and do they get paid for their work (just asking)or just contribute to Kodular like community members and after relaunch it’s a registered company so who manages everything here and how do they appoint staff members ?.. ok that’s all for now
Staff member and moderators
We are all wizards
We met at Thunkable Community
None of us knows each other in person, and didn’t knew before Thunkable
We talk all days via Slack at kodular.slack.com
We use GitHub to store all source code, and Travis-CI to perform automated tests
We have WhatsApp for urgent matters as well
We WERE getting paid (just before Google stopped us)
Now we just keep running the servers
Nope, we work on it all days
You will surely like next update
Right, and now we are moving our HQ
We do
It’s a very interesting work actually
We are our own staff
Wow but still a great Team
Last one Then If some one wants to join the team (staff) then how he/she can do that or do you pick members on your own.
We aren’t currently hiring, so we don’t really know how that’ll work. Maybe someday, we might have to look into that…
But for now, it’s just the seven of us.
Very impressive to see 7 people (great job btw) have developed this platform.
Is kodular your full time job? How do you support yourself through Kodular? Would you say the process was worth it?
kodular is their hobby.
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