Kodular team please add API level 33

I checked out Kodular Fenix (v1.5.0) Bug Tracker before creating a new topic

Describe your issue

Please update API Level 33 as its compulsory for google

Steps to reproduce the issue

Just upload app on google play console you will see error


is it bad

Just be patient and let the Kodular team provide an update in September or October
Meanwhile you can extend the deadline like this


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I think people are just worried because there’s no news from Kodular staff since a while.
Hope you are right saying to wait …

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What about new app on google play

They not send masseg to ask about more time

Thay say problem with version

this is a way to update to api level 34 (android 14). API level 34 is the latest version.I published my new app update yesterday using this method. Now it is live on play store. follow this video. (select “API level 34” as the target api level)

hi i can help you to change it manually, you can dm me, if have a problem with using apk tool or apk convert