Large App Problems?

Exactly. The image is not rendering where it should, and the second processing API is not being called. Something is really wonky. What I may have to do is try again, tweak the working one, and get then do as many checkpoints as possible. Once it starts acting up, the delta from the two versions can be looked at.

@Mika it boggle the mind. If you would like a copy of the AIA, I am more than happy to share it with you or anyone.



I can help you optimize the project. But it would be better if you learn to refine what you are inventing yourself.

I am not looking to optomize. There are bugs that I cannot debug. the blocks say one thing, performance says another. I fear that the corpus of my query, being bugs that do not make sense, has morphed into an assumption I have a chaotic app that is broken because of design.

That is not the case.

I do not know what you mean by this. I would love all the help I can get to help nail down what these bugs are. Every time I try to improve the aestheitcs, things break, for no reason, and the logs show no reason either.

If you think it’s appropriate, share your .aia with me, I can help you. I love being a beta-tester